
Christmas in the 'hood

So the other night (and also the night before that one, too) we went and took our cards+gifts over to a few of the neighbors around us. Everyone was very nice, but I feel kinda bad honestly...every year, I feel compelled to do/say something to the people who are around us, but I know by the looks on their faces that they were T-O-T-A-L-L-Y not expecting us to do anything for them, and likewise...well, anyway.

Doesn't bother me if none of them do the same in return, I just want to do something to say, "thanks for being our neighbor and not being a jerk when we don't cut our grass often enough." Anyway, I guess you could call our gift-giving selfish, since it makes me feel good and makes some of them feel guilty.

I mean, it's not really even that much...just a card and some candy/treats that Hilary made...stuff we HAD to get rid of anyway, lest my waistline expand too much.

So anyway, we got to one neighbor's house and the wife answered the door (technically, the two boys stared at us through the window for a few moments before mom showed up). As it turns out, her husband is in Kansas preparing to deploy for Iraq right after Christmas for a full 400 days. He'll be back a day or two before Christmas and stay a few days, but then he's gone for OVER A YEAR. Even worse, he already spent a year+ there before. When we moved into the neighborhood a few years ago, it was about a week or so before they had a big homecoming welcome for him coming back from Iraq the first time. A very circumstantial thing for me...I was checking the mail after work, and noticed these flags all over the yard and entrance, with yellow ribbons and all. Then, a few moments later, a car pulls into the driveway, guy gets out and family greets with hugs all around. It was one of those moments where you didn't have to ask a question...you knew IMMEDIATELY what you were witnessing. It was awesome to see that one moment, and feel like you suddenly knew someone better than a handshake introduction could have done.

So he's off again, and that's sad for him to have to do that again. I support the efforts of this war, and definitely the troops, but he's already put in his "time" as a reservist (my opinion) so it seems, hey, let him retire already. I just pray he stays alright, and the mom does okay with the extra load at home.

I can't believe Christmas is only a few days away!!!! It's sad when about 15 seconds after the end of Christmas the total emotion gets sucked out, the music stops and people seem to only remember what they got or didn't get (and even THAT memory is generally fleeting). How cliche to say so, but c'mon...let's try to let spirit of Christmas last a little longer than that.

My grandpa is famous in my family for heralding - if only jokingly - the end of Christmas Day with this quote: "well...another Christmas...shot to heck." He captures the sentiment of thousands and thousands of people with a single line, and we laugh every time.

I'm excited anyway, I love Christmas, and knowing that the end comes soon doesn't curtail my merriment.

Jing-a-ling, dude. Jing-a-ling.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Need more blogs!! :D It's been a few weeks!