
More congratulations to people I know, so check it out:

My friend Julianna got engaged this weekend in Charleston, SC. Technically, you could call her my "boss" or "supervisor" or whatever, but we've gotten to be good friends since I started working at this job a year ago. Send her an e-mail telling her how happy you are for her, and ask her to show you the ring. It's real nice.

The only other congratulatory commentary is for myself. I'm celebrating a year in the "real world." I graduated last May and started working at my current job last May 21st. Feels strange that it has been a year. I guess your parents are always right when they say "time only goes faster." But for cryin' out loud, I'm only 23! If it's this bad now, what's 10 years from now going to be like?

Wrote a bass line and guitar part for a new SCAP song this weekend. I've got about 3 songs in the works that could easily be finished soon, but getting folks together is next to impossible, what with everyone's schedules. Including a couple other "new" songs, we're on our way to another album. Don't know if that will ever happen though. Costs a fair amount to record and press an album (well, if you do it the right way), and I don't think we'd ever be able to support it properly. If getting practice together is difficult, playing shows is about 10x more. Maybe we'll just do a live recording someday, and keep our cash out of the studios. I guess time will tell...

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