
Great news folks...my sister Heather just had another kid yesterday! Woo! I'm an uncle again ;)

He's a boy (redundant, yes) and is doing just fine. Born today around 9am. Name's Brandon Niel (or maybe Neal) Galloway. Send her a nice e-mail to congratulate her!

Tonight is the season's final episode of Smallville. Man, that is a good show. What in the world am I going to watch on TV between now and October?

Even better, the Smallville Season 2 box set is out as of yesterday. Kind of pricey, but it'll help pass time for the next few months.

Angel is having it's final episode of all time tonight. Don't care too much, never watched it. I'll watch it anyways. I like to read the last chapter of a book first and then see how it all gets there as I read.

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