
So last weekend, Hilary and I went to Six Flags with my sister and her fiance, as well as my parents and nephew Alexander. We got the tickets free from a car dealership, and it was a Christian music weekend. Jeremy Camp (I don't think I've ever heard him, and I missed his show too), Reliant K, and The Newsboys all performed. Reliant K has been one of my favorite Christian bands for the last 3 years because of their mix of punk harmony and honest lyrics (I know that sounds cliche, but it fits). One of my favorite songs by them went unperformed that night, but I was listening to it later and thought I'd reprint the lyrics:

Christians, we're all afriad of fire
We prefer to suck on pacifiers
Baby pacifists, we're throwing fits
We don't shake hands, we shake our fists
We're cannibals, we watch our brothers fall
We eat our own the bones and all
Finally fell asleep on the plane
To wake to see we're going down in flames

We're going down, down, down in flames
We're gonna drown, drown, drown insane
We see the problem and the risk, but nothing's solved we just say,
"Tisk tisk tisk" and "shame shame shame"

Christians, we mourn, the thorn is stuck
in the side of the body
Watch it self-destruct, the enemy is much ignored
When we fight this Christian civil war

Let me pause to clarify
'Cause I'm sure you're asking "Why?"
I stand before you, and proudly claim
To belong to what this song complains
I'm part of the problem, I confess
But I gotta get this off my chest
Let's extinguish the anguish for which we're to blame
And save the world from going down in flames

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