

Everyone needs to watch Saturday Night Live this Saturday, April 3rd...Donald Trump is hosting (should be interesting), but MORE IMPORTANTLY - Toots and the Maytals will be the musical guests! Man, if you don't know who they are, you should. Good old ska band, been around for YEARS, and true Jamaican ska at that.

In other news...

Hilary and I just about cried to have to watch Troy get fired on The Apprentice tonight. Man, that's really too bad, because I had been figuring on him winning since episode one. It was basically Troy vs. Kwame in the board room. The real deciding factor was that Troy didn't have any education beyond high school. Fair enough...in the real world, experience means a lot...a WHOLE lot, but people still get hired and fired based on standardized accreditations, so Kwame would realistically be the winner of the match, even if it wasn't Trump.

Okay, everyone have a good night, and get ready for the weekend!

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