
I miss my friends.

I don't really get to see them that much anymore because they're either too far away or too busy, or both. Even the ones nearby...well, it seems like everyone (including me) is always busy. Or conflict of schedules. Like, I had some major time off for a couple of weeks last month, but I didn't really get to see much of my friends.

On the other hand, I have seen a bunch of my family. Get to see them all the time it seems, so I should feel good about that.

But as I've heard and said many times, "it's not what you have, it's what you don't have." That's a pretty American way of putting it. And lately, I haven't had my friends around.

I give it 5 years before things calm down. Everyone's in college or starting jobs, so everyone has a really busy schedule right now. 5 years.

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