
Been a while, eh?

Well, after my last post, I've been super busy. First off, my grandmother died (my dad's mom). It was pretty sad. I've known her my whole life, and lived only a couple miles away until 1990. Even then, I was only about a half-hour drive away. I can honestly say though, you never know what you've got til it's gone. It was even more sad because this past Monday was going to be her 75th birthday, and my grandfather was planning a party for this past Sunday with all the family, even flying my brother and his wife into town from Michigan. Well, the flight and travel plans were all bumped up for everyone to be at the funeral, and we were all able to spend time together as a family as well. But, I've gotten over it now (the funeral was a week ago) and life goes on for your's truely.

In addition to that, I've been absolutely slammed with work. We've had all kinds of business coming through the doors, and we had studio work all day long all last week. This week is somewhat slower, so that's nice...still, I've done the math, and I figure I have about 120 hours of work to do. I'll probably get it done a little quicker...either way, it'll still be over 2 weeks of solid work on my plate, on top of my regular work. I figure that I'll be back to regularly scheduled programming by early March, even if it means working a lot more hours.

I went and saw the new Lord of the Rings movie weekend before last. It was me, Hilary and Eric. Eric had the night off of work, and so he decided to spend his time with the world's most incredible couple. We went up to the theater at the Mall of Georgia, and when we went to get tickets, we found out that it was playing in the IMAX theather! Man, it was awesome. The movie was great, really astounding stuff...and the picture and sound were some of the best. So that was a pretty nice surprise. In retrospect, it would have been nice to do something else besides a movie when Eric was hanging out with us. Not much room for conversation or other stuff at the movies. We did go to TGI Friday's for dinner beforehand though...also good. I just was thinking that maybe we should have hung out somewhere else where we could all spend time together. Cest la vie....anyways, he left around 1:00am after we got back from the movie, since he had work the next morning in Athens.

By the way, not sure if I've mentioned it, but he's finalizing a movie called "Teaching Marlow" right now. All the production is done, and they're finishing up the editing now, so if you wanna catch up on what's going down, visit Overexposed Films. That's the website for his production group that is producing this bit of film wonder.

That'll do it for now. More to come...

Oh, and don't forget...vote for Bush in November.

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