
Help me pick a new phone! Hooray!


I am looking to get a new mobile phone...here's the deal:
  • It's for business use
  • It needs to combine the 2 devices I currently carry around - a Palm Z22 (organizer) and a Nokia 6102i (phone) - so that I don't have to carry around 2 devices anymore
  • It has to hold a battery charge pretty good...I don't want to have to recharge the thing every 12 hours
So I've seen lots of stuff out there that will meet these needs, but I don't really know anything about any of them. I am asking for YOUR HELP, dear reader. Do you know something out there that would satisfy all my mobile communication desires? Do you currently have such a fabulous device in your possession that you could recommend to me?

I'm currently on AT&T mobile and have no reason to leave, but since it's a business expense I don't really care what network it's on.

You can just e-mail me or post in the comments if you have anything to offer on the matter.

As a sidebar....I've looked at the Palm Centro (?) devices recently because I could dump all my current information from my Palm Z22 without having to deal with a bunch of conversion. However, it's a fairly brand-new device and I don't know what all it can/can't do. If you think this thing is the bee's knees, let me know (or if you think it really sucks, let me know that, too).


twirldawg said...

I've had my Centro for about a month and I like it a lot. I really like that I can get e-mails on it and access the web.

Christian said...

i'm leaning toward that one...thanks for the comment!