He sprayed one a full3 and a half feet of good upholstery yesterday. THREE AND A HALF FEET! I CAN'T EVEN DO THAT!
All this is apparently quite normal though. We have nothing to worry about, since all babies vomit like drunks on a booze cruise after 3 hours of fully-loaded sea-sickening, boat-rocking, good-times sailing.
That's what I've been told anyway.
In all fairness, we have tried a few different formulas out by now, and all of them have been tried in varying quantities from different bottles and different positions, so on and so on. No dice...
Seems to be getting better now, though. I really think he was just fooling with us, like "ha, just kidding, I just wanted to see how many times you would change my clothes today." He's at least keeping some of it down, so that's plus.
It's kind of funny in fact....I actually burst out laughing yesterday because 1) I totally could see it building, like a wave on the horizon, and 2) it was a freakin' 3 and a half foot blast!
If you were paying attention earlier, you probably noticed the use of the word "formula" in place of the usual "breast milk" or the more humorous yet improper "boob juice." Yes, Caleb is on formula, not the boob. There are reasons for this, suffice it to say that we have a good set of reasons. Nonetheless, some people are looking upon our act of [so-called] child abuse with shameful eyes. I totally get it..."breast is best" and all that. Great, I'm glad that's out there. Now, for the rest of us, there is formula and I couldn't be more happy about it. Sorry if it makes you angry and whatnot.
I'm back at work today for the first time in two weeks. Nothing has changed. Crap.
And Happy St. Patty's! We'll even slip a little whiskey in the formula tonight for a big family celebration at the Jolly house (haha...only kidding!). Flogging Molly blasting on the radio.
Can you believe UGA men's basketball winning the SEC championship game? I heard a guy had a sign made up that said "Worst to first!" and it's pretty much spot on. UGA basketball (men's, again) could not be less interesting on an average year. Doesn't help that I don't really like basketball anyway, but still...UGA basketball is just not that good. So kudos to them for making those last 4 games count! I'm actually doing a bracket for the NCAA tournament this year. Wanna guess how far I let the Dawgs ride in the tournament?
Poor little guy. Hope you find something that works.
You can tell the boob Nazis to shove it. You need to do whats right for you. Some people do one and some do the other, and some do both. People will always be judgmental no matter what.
Formula! That's child abuse! ;)
No, I firmly believe that we reap the consequences of formula-feeding our babies when we have to change formula dirty diapers. Whew.
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