
May already....amazing.

I'm glad it's May. January and Febrary aren't exactly my fav months of the year. March and April are good because the weather is pretty mild, but those months are pollen months. May is about when you really feel like relaxing a bit, going outdoors and taking in the warm weather, and giving yourself a little time off. So that's what I'm about to do.

I haven't actually had a single day off of work since New Year's Day. No holidays or anything (we didn't take MLK or Pres. Day off). So needless to say, I'm ready for a break. It's been really busy at work since Christmas. We've been getting new business like crazy, and just had to hire on a new guy to take some of the edge off.

So this weekend, Hilary and I are heading down to Florida's St. George Island for a week of R&R with the in-laws. It's a real nice place...there's not really a lot to do, so you can actually spend all your time just RELAXING. Doing nothing if you want. Most vacation destinations are packed with activities. That's nice and all, but sometimes all you want to do is sit at the beach or pool, or maybe do a little sight seeing. Anything more than that can get pretty exhausting most of the time.

Maybe I'll find some buried treasure in the sand.

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