

Wow, that really was a fast month. Counting down the days now to my first anniversary with my wife! I'd let you all in on a few of the things I'm planning for her, but I'm afraid you might tell her (oh, and she reads this blog).

Just got off the phone with my mom. We had a discussion that turned into an argument. Haven't done that in a while. And of course, as you all are probably aware, I was right and she was wrong. But hey, that's neither here nor there....what IS here and there is this three-day weekend that's coming up! Woo! Memorial Day!

No real plans for the weekend. Gonna sit by the pool A LOT. Gonna play tennis, yep, A LOT. Probably play a little guitar, working on the wedding DVD, sleep in, stay up late. Good times. Totally need this, too.

Everyone have a good weekend, and on Monday, take just a moment or two to look around you and realize the impact of all the men and women in the armed services, especially those who gave it all just to help make our lives a little more free, and also to help keep it that way.

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