
Welcome back...

Long time no post....Mike has been doing some work on the servers and updating junk. As you probably noticed, the blog is no longer hosted locally on my webpage....it's hosted by Blogger's own Blogspot. The look and feel doesn't really change at all once you get here, but the way you get here has changed. This is probably permanent, so if you like you may bookmark http://ChristianJolly.blogspot.com to bring you directly here in the future.

Since I was putting so much work into rearranging the layout stuff, I decided to finally start another blog (as you may ALSO have noticed on your way here). This blog will be on digital media topics and is located at http://FullResolution.blogspot.com. Some folks just want to come here and read what's going on in my personal life, and so I've stripped the technical A/V conversations from here and will be doing them at Full Resolution blog instead....and it will be better for both blogs.

No more time for posting now, but I promise I'll come back with more fun junk soon.

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