
I know, literally just finished a post seconds ago, but I felt it only fair to compose a separate message for this subject (it's cool, not very long).

I've been listening to the new Reel Big Fish album "We're Not Happy Til You're Not Happy" for the last 2 weeks (or 3 weeks?) almost solid...serious. It's not the best album they've ever done, but it is a good sound. It's a little more roots than their previous stuff. It's still rock/ska, heavy guitars and all. The lyrics are hilarious...no, wait, I mean HILARIOUS. One of the good lines from "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful" goes like this:

We hate it when our friends become successful
and if it's No Doubt
then it's even worse

Now THAT is bold...and funny.

Even funnier still though is "Don't Start a Band," which more or less outlines a handful of reasons why it's usually best to stay at home and play guitar alone instead of trying to get your friends together, write songs, get on stage, get booed off stage, and then cry for hours until you get dehydrated and pass out. Something like that. I think that's basically what they're saying.

Also a good cover of "Talkin' Bout a Revolution" on the album. Might be my favorite song...although the first track, "The Fire," is right up there tying it.

I'd tell you to buy it, right now...especially if you liked anything else RBF has done. I'm probably gonna have to buy it again after the CD player burns it out. Awesome.

Don't you know, talkin' bout a revolution sounds like a whisper

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