
Happy Birthday to me!

Yep, I guess I feel my age now....no, wait, I feel about half my age. Either way, today's the day I get to be born all over again...no, that's not right, cake and candles, there you go.

I think I'm allowed a certain amount of gibberish on my birthday, so that's it. I got it out of the ol' system, so we can all move forward! Hooray!

I haven't posted in a week or two, not that there isn't anything to say, but I've been doing other things besides blogging. I voted in the general election, ate dinner a handful of times, hung out with some friends and worked on some video stuff.

One thing I want to say though...Yasser Arafat. The guy spent a good part of his life harming other people, and I can't say I'm upset to see such a brutal person biting the dust, but at the same time, there's something real sad about a guy dying who has nothing to remember him by except for death, exploitation and lies. That's what this guy's going to be remembered for by most of the world. Personally, I'm curious what event or series of events caused this downhill slide in his life, if for maybe no other reason than to just know what to tell my future kids NOT to do. Yeah, it's sad in a certain way, but in the same respect, a lot of people's lives may have been spared in the passing of Yasser Arafat.

Tonight will be dinner with my wife, and tomorrow is cooking out with my family. Gonna watch the UGA vs. Auburn game with my family tomorrow afternoon. Seriously, I think UGA has a good chance at knocking the War Eagles, er, Tigers, er...whatever they call themselves now...well, UGA has a good chancing of ending their winning streak. We'll see, now won't we? Can't wait!

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