
Had a good time in North Carolina this weekend at a wedding. Drove up Friday morning/afternoon. The weather was awesome, and fall was in full swing. Wish I'd taken some pics of the trees, but we were movin' along pretty quickly. Took some back roads through hills and mountains, and it looked awesome. Enough said.

The wedding was great too, and a big congrats to Jennifer and Dan. Hope y'all are enjoying, or did enjoy your honeymoon!

Thanksgiving isn't exactly one of my fav holidays, but it is nice to eat food and see family. It'll be fun no matter what, eh?

Gonna go see the DAWGS swat the NATS (North Avenue Trade School, or the more familiar Georgia Tech) this weekend in Athens. Talk about a mismatch, you'd think Georgia Tech would just stop showing up. Hahaha

Cool, let's all watch more TV!

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