
"Only 7 more days until the recount!"

That came off of The Onion for this week. So true...

Really though, all of this advanced voting has pointed to signs of huge voter turnout for this election. The experts say that means a Democratic success. See, the key to Democratic success is generally a form of brainwashing, where people with otherwise unused brain power have that space filled with "vote or die" nonsense, and then topped off with "vote for Kerry" nonsense. That's how they win - they get the people who don't vote/don't want to vote/don't know what to vote for crowd to show up, and they vote based on TV. Should be a good time...

This weekend is the GA/FL game in J'ville, FL. I'm going down to Sea Island tomorrow morning with my Dad and grandpa. We spend a couple days down there, then go down for the game, and then come crawling back on Saturday night only to have to get up and leave paradise on Sunday. Seriously though, it's a lot of fun, even though we generally lose, and the fact that we were able to go at all is pretty cool. This year looks....different....for the Dawgs. Florida has no "coach" now, and they look like a truly terrible team. But, regardless, Florida has looked bad before and still beaten UGA. The game is a rivalry, so the name of the game changes, and records mean nothing. Georgia has often had a better team of players and still lost. But we still lead the overall series. See, there's the upbeat side of it! I think we've got 'em this year. My Dad has predicted UGA, 30-14. Try to spot us on TV.

I should probably go to work now.

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