The they put the Liquid That Must Be Spread Evenly across the belly and started rolling the soapbar all over to check things out, measure, account and so forth. The ultrasound technician confirms with us that we want to know the sex and then says, "ah....I know what it is." We say, "what is it?" His response, quite dramatic and slow, was, "it'"
Of course it is, that's my boy!
So we were pretty excited, and glad to know after all. Makes the shopping/planning somewhat easier, and it's just fun to know. We've already named him (we actually agreed on this name for a boy years ago, probably while we were engaged I think). His name is going to be Caleb Jolly. We're deciding on the middle name right now.
Before you all ask me about it, yes, it was confirmed to be a boy (quite clearly, trust me) so we're good to go on that one.
So there you have it, more great news from baby land!
On a somewhat less exciting note, my dad fell off a ladder this past weekend and busted his heel on the fall (thankfully nothing else was injured/broken) and now he's going to be having surgery. Bed rest and medication are required for 8 weeks or so, and that puts him out until the end of the year. This is especially frustrating because he was out with all kinds of damage last year from the beginning of September until early into this year. So he's upset about it, but at least it's not as bad as it could be (he wasn't really all that high up anyway). That sucks even more because it cuts my dad out of the rest of the UGA games for this year - including the SEC championship if Georgia is fortunate enough to get into it after all. Life goes on though, and that's the good news.
Here are some pics from the ultrasound. He looks like one jolly little kid, eh?

Congrats!! That's awesome. I like how they label "HEAD". Good times.
Sorry to hear about your father.
I hope your dad gets better soon - I am sorry to hear about that but glad that it was not as bad as it could have been. Tell him I said "get well."
And thanks for picking back up on the blogging. It gives me something to do when I reach the end of the Internet.
Oh I just realized that that sounds like I don't read your blogs until I actually reach the end of the Internet...That's not what I meant, but I won't try to explain it away because I'll probably just dig a big hole like I'm so good at doing.
thanks for the remarks, guys :)
Yeah, "HEAD," good point, because I thought he just had a huge arm. Good thing they cleared it up.
It's okay, Abby...I don't really read my blog either.
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