I'm already beginning to detail my experiences with it on my production blog, Full Resolution. As such, I won't bore you with all the details here. It's pretty immense, with Illustrator being thrown in as an additional software in the bundle now and all kinds of new possibilities. Keep tabs on the production blog if you would like to know more.
Well, in the past month, buddy Mike has taken off to a land far, far away (Oklahoma), Sir Eric has shot some horses (with a video camera) and my yard has exploded with all kinds of spring crap....weeds, grass and the occassional flower.
We're doing some spring cleaning here as well, having just painted one of the bathrooms and some of the trim downstairs. Meanwhile, we are waiting for an install of some french doors on the main floor between the foyer and the sitting room - which will become my office when all is said and done.
Cynthia McKinney looks absolutely crazy. She's got permanent bedhead. She's got the crazy smile now, too. I think it may be the same smile she's always had, but now it looks crazy because she uses it right after she says crazy things. Not that any of this has anything to do with whether she is good at what she does for a living....still, crazy.
Uh oh, ran out of coffee.....gonna have to move on with the day soon.
Jingles is going bonkers out in the yard the last few weeks. She has a little squeaky ball that we keep out in the yard to throw around and what not. The funniest thing though....all these birds out in the trees building nests are talking to each other, tweeting back in forth. Now, when Jingles hears that, she goes and finds her squeaky ball, runs up to the base of the tree and starts squeaking it at them. I am SO SERIOUS. If a bird flies by overhead, she runs for the ball and starts running around looking up in the air and squeaking the ball. She's trying desperately to talk to those birds. I don't have the heart to tell her that the birds around here are mostly robins, and the squeaky ball is more of a cardinal call.
Here comes Tuesday!
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