It was a lot of fun to hear them both talk, and get to meet both of them. Although I don't make a big deal out of it all the time, I'm a political conservative, and I've recently started listening more to what my conservative leaders have to say. Senator Miller has actually sort of stirred things up in the Democratic party with his recent speeches (and book) about the failure of the Democrats to do things right (Senator Miller is a Democrat himself, just not the typical leftist variety).
Anyways, it was good to meet both of them. I thanked Senator Miller on my parents behalf for making it possible for me to go to college virtually for free. He "invented" the HOPE Scholarship here in Georgia, which pays tuition and fees as long as you keep a 3.0 average.
SCAP had a practice this weekend in Athens at Nuci's Space. Had a pretty good time...we really needed the practice, and still need some more. Everyone's just real busy. But, it's a good start, and it was cool hanging out with the fellas. Hilary came along, but hung out with her friend Alice while the band practiced. Good times.
Alright, I don't think I really have anything else to say. It's been pretty busy here in Duluth since Christmas...get a little bit of a break, then get swamped, eh? Well, Hilary is just about done with her training (almost 6 months!) so she'll have a bit of a load off here soon. I'm enjoying my job still, good folks and all.
Okay, last thing....Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" comes out tomorrow, and everyone should go see it. Although with something like 3,000 screens sold out through the weekend, you might have to wait. Some churches have actually purchased the tickets for some theaters and then instructed the ticket takers to just let people in for free if they want to see it. Good luck finding those theaters and getting in. Hope everyone's doing well.
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