
A little bit more, a little bit more

My brother and his wife were expecting a child (yes, "were") with a due date of March 17th...just about a week after the due date for my little bundle-o-joy. However, this past weekend, Heather (my brother's wife) went into labor and came out with a little boy not much long afterward.

Taylor Hanlon Jolly is his name. We're all obviously excited...it's the first Jolly kid to be born in quite a long time (my niece and nephews are Galloway kids). He's a cute-looking kid, but as excited as I am, there's a bit of a problem here.

The kid came a month early.

Now, he's alright, mommy's alright, it's all good. Apparently he was just done. The real problem here is how I am now perceiving my own situation.

My kid could come at ANY SECOND. Serious. I mean, I knew that before, but now every time Hilary's name pops up on my caller ID, I have a mini-panic, like "oh crap, time to go!!!"

Just knowing that my brother had no clue what his plans for the weekend were really going to be all about....well, I just liked that old idea I had in my head about how this was all gonna come down, and now I can't shake that "any second now" mentality.

I'll get over it.

Needless to say, I feel a certain amount of guilt over the deal, since I almost feel like I haven't been fully excited for my brother. I guess once a few months have passed here and everyone has all their kids and has a chance to settle down, maybe we can start really celebrating what we've all gone through.

I feel like I'll be fine once it all starts, but just KNOWING that I could get a call sometime today to fire it up is....is....well....bothersome.

Phone's ringing...better check it.


twirldawg said...

Michael or Ryan? Congrats to either!

Once I hit the third trimester my husband didn't sleep well. Everytime I woke up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night (all three million times) he'd roll over and go "Are you ok? Is everything alright?" EXCEPT for the night I actually went into labor.

It's an exciting, whirlwind of a time as you know but it is so awesome.

Can't wait to hear about the arrival of little Caleb Jolly.

Abby said...

Besides the fact that I find it morally reprehensible that you would even suggest the use of adult diapers (on your comment on my blog), I disagree with your contention that they would provide maximum efficiency.

First, in my experience with changing diapers, for that snug, keep-it-all-in-there fit, positioning is key. Few, if any, women's bathroom stalls have an area large enough to sprawl out on your back. I don't think the upright position would do - I could see it going on saggy, not quite forming an adequate seal around the thigh areas.

Second - A diaper would not fit into my purse's tampon pocket. I think it'd probably weird out my coworkers to see me whip a new one out and head nonchalantly to the ladies'.

Third - the use of fasteners is involved, while there are no fasteners of any kind on maternity pants. As far as efficiency goes (and on a host of other counts as well), I would actually find the belt buckle, button and zipper of regular jeans to be preferable to the use of an adult diaper.

In other news, CONGRATS on the new nephew! That is awesome that he and Caleb will be so close in age, and even more awesome that the baby is doing so well for being so early.

I can't believe it is already time for you guys to be playing the waiting game (time flies when you are not 9 mos. pregnant). You know every time either one of you calls, I'll be like "IS IT TIME?!?!" I can't wait to see what this little guy you guys have cooked up is like!

Abby said...

Hey, I get bored for about thirty seconds every day and need blogs to read. I think you need to blog more while you still have time :) For me.

Anonymous said...

You should feel guilty over not being excited for me. I didn't care anything about Heather for the past 9 months, only Hilary and your well-being. And if you believe that...

Anyway, I got on here expecting to see pictures of Caleb. No pictures???