

Continuing the pseudo-political rantings....

Today I did one of those jobs I don't want to do (or that I'm not willing to do). In fact, it's a job that no American citizens want to do or are willing to do. I spread some pinestraw on my landscaping. In fact, I did it for less than minimum wage. It was hot outside, too (and at only 7:30am).

I made my clothes all dirty, cut my hands (even with gloves on, I guess I'm kinda clumsy), got pinestraw where it ought not be and ruined the time I was planning on surfing the web. Would I do it again? Yep, willingly in fact. Although next time I might pay myself minimum wage.

Looks good though, so I'm obviously now a skilled laborer in such a regard. And it wasn't all that hard really, just time-consuming. So I guess I'm doing my part to fight illegal immigration. Who knew the frontline of battle was in my own backyard?

Maybe next I'll try painting my own house (okay...no).

Had a good weekend, got to see a bunch of old friends and aquaintences at a wedding. The wedding was spectacular really. My friend Loren married her guy Matt down in Your Favorite Town. Her family hired my company to do the wedding videography for the ceremony. It was a lot of fun and I couldn't be happier for Matt and Loren. Woo!

Working on a couple of beauty pagent projects right now, scheduled at the end of August and beginning of September. All being held at the Mall of Georgia, so that's convenient. Trying to get the whole crew together, which may prove difficult. I'm taking producer and editor roles only on this one. We'll see how it goes!

And I'm on Facebook now, which took me long enough. For a while there, I didn't have a *.edu e-mail address, but UGA started offering alumni e-mail accounts, so I'm all set on that now. That will soak up some spare time I bet.

Everyone have a good week!

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