
Just got back from the Georgia/Florida game (hahaha......"game".......). Either way, got a couple of good pics from the trip, mostly just shots of tailgating. We had a good time at Sea Island again this year, and even losing, still had fun with all the folks down in Jacksonville, FL.

I've got pictures of Oktoberfest and Furman Homecoming that I'll put up here soon. I'm thinking of different ways of doing the pics section, too....so if you have any ideas let me know. I may sort them into year (just to keep the scrolling to a minimum) but not sure where else to head with it.

Also been thinking about remodeling the site here entirely, but I'm in the middle of so many other things, not to mention building out a couple of other websites now anyways.....well, may be a while before I do anything here.

Cold weather ramping up....we've got a bit of warm temps this week, but it's still feeling too cold for me. Love Christmas and all that, snow is nice, but I'd rather be warm.

I'd thought about turning our gas fireplace into a wood fireplace (wood's a good bit warmer, and cheaper, than gas). Glad I decided not to go ahead with that....apparently, if you just toss wodd in there, it can burn your house up. Something about wood vs. gas being built differently. Screw that, I'm not going to burn my house to stay warm.

Staying busy with all my other work, not too busy though. Doing some "continuing ed" too on my own (another certification track).

I'll be back soon, but for now, trabajo.

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