
Okay, so I've been told that I'm giving Jingles a bad reputation as a Sheltie/Rottweiler mix of sorts, which she is not. She's a purebred, and she's very friendly. See? Very innocent...

Now then, you should all understand that the only reason that she went after the little pup in the other picture was because the other puppy made the mistake of appearing weak. Therefore, Jingles was merely establishing dominance.....by means of execution.

Ha ha...only kidding!

Or am I?

I am. Seriously. She's a sweet girl, you should come visit her sometime, or else....

In other news, today is my sister Maureen's birfday.....HAPPY BIRFDAY MO!! I'd put her e-mail addy up here for you to all say hi, but it'd probably get picked up by some 40,000 spammers every 10 minutes, so just post a howdy-do in the comments below and I WILL MAKE CERTAIN SHE SEES IT. We have our ways.

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