
I think the summer is just about completely planned out for me.

Let's see, I go to work every day, sleep every night, and on weekends, I go to a couple of wedding showers and/or actual weddings. The good news is that I'm actually "working" a couple of these weddings (I'm doing videography). There's not really any bad side to all that, except that I don't feel like I'm going to have time to just sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery.

The 1st wedding anniversary is comming up in a couple weeks...what a fast year that was! No matter...I've got plans for the anniversary, and yes fellas - I know what day it is.

I think June and July are my all-time favorite months of the year. They used to be the solid frontrunners back in the day, when I was in school and the summer meant "no school or work." Cest la vie.

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