
Okay folks, here comes the obvious:

I haven't posted anything from my wedding on my website.

Now, although I've commented on it, and put a few words here and there, I realize that there isn't really much content other than that. Okay, so here's the deal. For the wedding video, I'm editing it myself, and I'm almost done. I'll actually have it on a DVD, with tons of video from other wedding events (shower, rehearsal dinner, some other stuff too) along with "special features." However, the ceremony (along with pre- and post-ceremony stuff) will be available ON THE WEB. I'm going to be streaming it using Windows Media Encoders, so you'll be able to watch it. It's even going to be optimized for dial-up users, so everyone can see it in beautiful full-frame glory. I'll probably have it done in a month.

For pictures, I've got quite a few scanned images, but as you can probably tell by visiting my picture page, I haven't put those pics up yet, nor have I put and pics up for much anything at this point. I guess it's been a pretty busy 9 months here since the wedding.

I know, I know...excuses, certainly, BUT....no more. It's all coming along soon here, so keep checking back.

If you don't want to check back, then I tell you what - e-mail me with your address and I'll send a big ol' e-mail out to let people know.

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