I am looking to get a new mobile phone...here's the deal:
- It's for business use
- It needs to combine the 2 devices I currently carry around - a Palm Z22 (organizer) and a Nokia 6102i (phone) - so that I don't have to carry around 2 devices anymore
- It has to hold a battery charge pretty good...I don't want to have to recharge the thing every 12 hours
I'm currently on AT&T mobile and have no reason to leave, but since it's a business expense I don't really care what network it's on.
You can just e-mail me or post in the comments if you have anything to offer on the matter.
As a sidebar....I've looked at the Palm Centro (?) devices recently because I could dump all my current information from my Palm Z22 without having to deal with a bunch of conversion. However, it's a fairly brand-new device and I don't know what all it can/can't do. If you think this thing is the bee's knees, let me know (or if you think it really sucks, let me know that, too).