Well, big news folks. A few of you are already aware, the rest of you are probably shocked out of your minds...we're having a baby! Hilary is about 9 1/2 weeks along now (still not sure on the math, we'll find out for sure once we have the first ultrasound in a few more weeks).
The baby is due the last week of February. So there's a chance we'll have ourselves a leap baby (February 29th is within the range of possible dates for now...depending on the math).
I'm pretty psyched, though really not sure what's all in store just yet. Lots of doctor appointments, fixing up the house and baby room and all that jazz. There's a little bit of hesitance for the two of us right now, thinking about all the stuff to do. For now, though, the main thing is going to be just staying positive and keeping healthy. We're in the last part of that window where the likelihood of a miscarriage or other complication is still high(er), so we're just going day-to-day and hoping for a healthy kiddo.
I just hope the kid likes ska, 'cause otherwise he/she is gonna be quite disappointed.
Restless Leg Syndrome
Heard this on the news this morning and laughed so loud the dog left the room:
"A new study now shows that restless leg syndrome is found in your genes." - Good Morning America
Okay, I know it's hard to get the joke when it's typed out like that instead of audibly received, but just say it out loud and you'll know what I mean.
Yep, that's where I usually keep my restless legs, right there in my jeans.
I'm a dork.
"A new study now shows that restless leg syndrome is found in your genes." - Good Morning America
Okay, I know it's hard to get the joke when it's typed out like that instead of audibly received, but just say it out loud and you'll know what I mean.
Yep, that's where I usually keep my restless legs, right there in my jeans.
I'm a dork.
Joshua David Isaac

I met Josh during the summer after my high school graduation when I was helping out with the band camp for next year. He was an upcoming freshman and was pegged by the section leader as one of the people who needed help with some of the basics. He immediately impressed me as being a quick learner, and very glad to get whatever advice he could get. It was apparent that Josh's goal was to exceed expectations, not just be "good enough."
And that's really how Josh was all the time. As I got to know him better through Hilary's family (Hilary and I started dating about 6 months afterward, and her brother Blake was close friends with Josh), I found that in everything he did, he just wanted to do it the right way, the best that he could. This is a rare attitude, and one that everyone could see when they met Josh.
It is unfortunate for us all that he is no longer with us. Events like this serve well to remind us of what little time we have to complete the purpose of our existence. Josh is great evidence that the duration of a life is not the definition of a person. Instead, we look at what that person did with what time they had. Josh made the best of all that he had, and I only hope to live my life so bravely.
Here are a couple of news articles written about Josh:
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Fox 5 - Atlanta
This is a 10 minute memorial photo montage:
Visitation is tonight in Peachtree City 6pm-8pm at the Mowell Funeral home on Robinson Road near Hwy 54. Funeral is tomorrow at 2pm at Mowell Funeral home with a reception to follow.
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