Not much posting, eh? Well, I've been kinda busy...just kinda.
Work has been slamming me against the wall. I've just barely had a chance to come up for air. And I've been spending some other spare time learning everything with these programs. I've already got a basic understanding of how to work within this stuff, but the apps are DEEP...seems like I find something new every day. On top of that, I've been working on other stuff, and then of course, spending time with my wife. We've watched some of the Olympics, played a lot of tennis, and enjoyed the waning days of summer as best we can.
This weekend should be fun...going to Athens tomorrow night for a big 'ol party at Eric's new place with the girls (no, Eric is no pimp [zing!], these are just some friends we've known fo-eva, and let's face it, Eric is more comfortable with women [zing!] if you know what I mean [zing!]). Saturday afternoon, I'm going to a Braves game with Andy and some friends. Sort of a bachelor thing with the guys. Then, that night, I'm going to Your Favorite Town to celebrate my maternal grandfather's birthday with my family. Sunday, I'm going to help a friend out with some editing things, and then spend the rest of the day just chillin'.
In about 9 days, the Bulldogs have their first game of the season, a home game against Georgia Southern. Not a big opponent, but it is the first game and a home game, so that means FUN FUN FUN! It also means I'm headed back to Athens. I'll probably drag my guitar/amp/stuff over there to jam with Eric after the game, and spend the night too I suppose. It's a long weekend, so anything goes.
Alright kiddies, stay cool, and please, put some words in the comment box, especially you people who always read my blog and don't say anything (and you thought I didn't see all of you hanging around....mmmm-hmmmmm....). I don't even care if you trash me (because I can delete it)...just say something. I work hard for the money.
That's right, awesome like you wouldn't believe. I just received Adobe's Video Collection Pro v2.5 and it is truly a modern marvel. I wouldn't even try to tell you what all of these programs can do. Not only are the base products unbelievable, but it came packaged with TONS of plug-ins (little extra programs that work within the base programs). Plug-ins usually let you do flashier effects, 3D animation, and better overall production.
I just loaded it all onto my computer last night and started playing around a little bit. It took a couple of hours to install and register the products (Adobe is intent on eliminating software piracy...noble attempt, but I doubt people are just going to stop bootlegging Photoshop anytime soon). I've got one product to work on for the weekend, plus finalizing my wedding video (I've been waiting for all this software so that I can finally finish it!) as well as editing and producing the DVDs for my sister's wedding.
So let's have a quick rundown of what's in the box:
Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 - Video editing application.
Adobe After Effects 6.5 - Motion graphics. Came with a neat 3D modeling plug-in, as well as an advanced keying plug-in.
Adobe Audition 1.5 - Audio creation/editing app. Has a lot of pitch correction, noise filtering, and overall audio sweetening controls built in, as well as a library of over 5,000 loops, effects, and other great toys.
Adobe Encore DVD 1.5 - This is one serious DVD creator. Seriously, if you've ever watched a DVD and wondered how to make all the flashy motion menus and fill the disc with extras and fun things...well, this program lets you do it all.
Adobe Photoshop CS - This is the new version of Photoshop, and you can do just about any kind of image editing and creation. Even includes an app for you to build your websites and export graphics in HTML code, ready for publishing.
Best of all, all of these programs work TOGETHER. You can be editing in Premiere Pro and jump into Audition to play with the audio or add effects (although Premiere has some really good audio handles built in, including creating Dolby 5.1 surround audio). And lets say you're working in After Effects or Premiere and you want to tweak an image...well, click on it and select "edit in Photoshop" and BLAZZAAMM! You're in Photoshop. Same for DVD menus. Encore uses all the layering effects of Photoshop to create the menus, so if you want to tweak the image, same thing...just click and select "edit in Photoshop." Additionally, if you're using content in one program that was created in another, any changes you make to the original are effected immediately in the other program. For example, if you make a flashy 3D menu in After Effects for use in Encore, as soon as you make a change in After Effects, it is immediately updated when you move back into Encore. You can even do the right click thing to immediately edit a piece in another app. So lovely.
So now that you have all read this (or more likely, skipped to this sentence, ignoring all the advertising I just laid down), you are all more educated about what this incredible piece of programming can do. And now you also know what I'll be doing with the next few years of my life ---- learning EVERYTHING that this software can do.
Now that I own this software, I'm looking into becoming an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) in Digital Video and Graphics. It'll be taking me some time, but it'll all be worth it. Wish me luck.

I just loaded it all onto my computer last night and started playing around a little bit. It took a couple of hours to install and register the products (Adobe is intent on eliminating software piracy...noble attempt, but I doubt people are just going to stop bootlegging Photoshop anytime soon). I've got one product to work on for the weekend, plus finalizing my wedding video (I've been waiting for all this software so that I can finally finish it!) as well as editing and producing the DVDs for my sister's wedding.
So let's have a quick rundown of what's in the box:
Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 - Video editing application.
Adobe After Effects 6.5 - Motion graphics. Came with a neat 3D modeling plug-in, as well as an advanced keying plug-in.
Adobe Audition 1.5 - Audio creation/editing app. Has a lot of pitch correction, noise filtering, and overall audio sweetening controls built in, as well as a library of over 5,000 loops, effects, and other great toys.
Adobe Encore DVD 1.5 - This is one serious DVD creator. Seriously, if you've ever watched a DVD and wondered how to make all the flashy motion menus and fill the disc with extras and fun things...well, this program lets you do it all.
Adobe Photoshop CS - This is the new version of Photoshop, and you can do just about any kind of image editing and creation. Even includes an app for you to build your websites and export graphics in HTML code, ready for publishing.
Best of all, all of these programs work TOGETHER. You can be editing in Premiere Pro and jump into Audition to play with the audio or add effects (although Premiere has some really good audio handles built in, including creating Dolby 5.1 surround audio). And lets say you're working in After Effects or Premiere and you want to tweak an image...well, click on it and select "edit in Photoshop" and BLAZZAAMM! You're in Photoshop. Same for DVD menus. Encore uses all the layering effects of Photoshop to create the menus, so if you want to tweak the image, same thing...just click and select "edit in Photoshop." Additionally, if you're using content in one program that was created in another, any changes you make to the original are effected immediately in the other program. For example, if you make a flashy 3D menu in After Effects for use in Encore, as soon as you make a change in After Effects, it is immediately updated when you move back into Encore. You can even do the right click thing to immediately edit a piece in another app. So lovely.
So now that you have all read this (or more likely, skipped to this sentence, ignoring all the advertising I just laid down), you are all more educated about what this incredible piece of programming can do. And now you also know what I'll be doing with the next few years of my life ---- learning EVERYTHING that this software can do.
Now that I own this software, I'm looking into becoming an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) in Digital Video and Graphics. It'll be taking me some time, but it'll all be worth it. Wish me luck.
Congratulations Mo and Gwam!
That's right....Mo and Graham got married this past weekend in Your Favorite Town (I still laugh at that, Mike). The whole event went off without a hitch...well, you know what I mean. They're on their honeymoon now, and I'm sure they're having a great time ( know what I mean).
It was kinda sad to see my little sis getting married. She was the youngestof the 5 of us siblings, and the last to get married. It was a real fun time for all. Thanks to Eric and Andy for helping me out with videography.
This week should be relatively relaxed. I spent so much time at work and working on my sister's slide show (shown at the wedding reception) over the last few weeks, I feel like I've had no time to myself. This week at work is somewhat busy, but the home life shouldn't be so bad. I think I might be watching Hidalgo tonight with Hil. Maybe it won't annoy her if I refer to her as Hil-dalgo during the movie. Maybe pigs fly.
My goal this week is to (finally) purchase the new Adobe Video Collection Pro 2.5. Hilary seems to be going along with it, and it is currently at DEEP DISCOUNT, so we'll see. If I don't post again for a few months, it's probably because I'm playing with my new toys. ;)
That's right....Mo and Graham got married this past weekend in Your Favorite Town (I still laugh at that, Mike). The whole event went off without a hitch...well, you know what I mean. They're on their honeymoon now, and I'm sure they're having a great time ( know what I mean).
It was kinda sad to see my little sis getting married. She was the youngestof the 5 of us siblings, and the last to get married. It was a real fun time for all. Thanks to Eric and Andy for helping me out with videography.
This week should be relatively relaxed. I spent so much time at work and working on my sister's slide show (shown at the wedding reception) over the last few weeks, I feel like I've had no time to myself. This week at work is somewhat busy, but the home life shouldn't be so bad. I think I might be watching Hidalgo tonight with Hil. Maybe it won't annoy her if I refer to her as Hil-dalgo during the movie. Maybe pigs fly.
My goal this week is to (finally) purchase the new Adobe Video Collection Pro 2.5. Hilary seems to be going along with it, and it is currently at DEEP DISCOUNT, so we'll see. If I don't post again for a few months, it's probably because I'm playing with my new toys. ;)
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