
Terry Schiavo...

Seems to be the thing to talk about these days. I don't really wanna say a whole lot, because everyone is so totally thrown around on this issue. The thing that has sort of occured to me this whole time is that an unusual amount of attention is being paid to this one person's cause, even though it bears very close resemblance to hundreds of thousands of other similar cases. Why is that? People have accidents all the time that leave them in a coma or some other vegetative state. Family members are always having to decide what they are going to do...that is, sustain life through machines, or end a life through a lack thereof. This is no new occurence.

What makes this person's case so different that it has grabbed the nation's attention? This isn't a celebrity or some other constantly-in-the-media figure. This is a girl that has been in her current state for 15 years or so. While I'll admit that is quite a long time in relation to the average life span of others who have lived a similar scenario, I don't think that's what has prompted all of this frenzy.

I just figured I'd ask the question and see what other people thought...